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Currently has investments in real estate, insurance and hedge funds.

A little information

Dodge Investments Ltd

Focus on the real estate investment area for Central and South America.

Investment strategy: Strategic investment in selected markets.

Investment portfolio: Long term selected growth to grow the portfolio in a stable and structure manner.

Build Portfolio: Research and understanding of investment markets to ensure a strong diverse and long-term portfolio.

Monitor Portfolio: Continual monitoring of all investments to ensure consistent return and growth.

A little information

Focus on the reinsurance area for Central and South America.

Investment strategy: Selected reinsurance of auto, surety and electronic risks.

Investment portfolio: Long term investment to develop and grow reinsurance activities globally.

Build Portfolio: Research and understanding of reinsurance markets to ensure a strong diverse and long-term portfolio.

Monitor Portfolio: Continual monitoring of all risks to ensure a diversified mix of risks and jurisdictions generate steady and constant growth.


Our Portfolio

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